Mandy has a Diploma in Children’s Services and twenty five years experience working with babies and young children in both childcare centres and early parenting support roles. She is now available to help families learn the skills they need to better care for their babies, young kids and their sanity.

She’s an expert at teaching parents/carers about newborns, babies, toddlers, pre schoolers and school kids all the tips and tricks around age appropriate sleep and settling.  Mandy has the knowledge to help newborns – 12 year olds.


Newborns - 4 Months

A confidence boost to know that what you are doing is enough.  Some basic teachings around settling up the sleep space, doing some settling where appropriate and focussing on getting to know your precious new baby/babies

4 - 6 Months

The sleep progression. Beginning some age appropriate routine and if you are wanting some independent sleeping, then Mandy can teach you a safe way to do so. Starting to link the daytime sleeps.

6 - 8 Months

Gorgeous bigger babies, enjoying food, resettling overnight without feeds, linking day sleeps, starting to move.

9-12 Months

Mandy’s favourite age!  Bigger babies, who can feel a bit more predictable.  Increasing solid foods and linking those all important two days sleeps.  Beginning to sleep through the night without feeds

12 - 16 Months

Junior toddlers, we will talk food, the beginnings of toddler behaviour, cutting from two to 1 sleep, and what to do when they are standing in the cot and the dreaded 5am wakings.


The Terrific Two’s. Cutting down to one sleep in the daytime, food and how much they need, behaviour guidance, when to make the move to the big bed.


The time of Many Happy Returns, or keeping them close by at an age when they need lots of support around sleep, understanding developmental changes and what that means for feeling scared.

School Kids

Refusing to go to bed, feeling scared, anxious, overtired, can’t fall asleep, needing parents to stay close, worrying.  What to do with our big kids, and especially that big developmental shift around 8 years old and bedtime.

Children with Disabilities or Additional Needs

Mandy’s favourite families.  How to teach our kids that have already been through enough.  What is appropriate for a children that has serious health needs, how to manage our feelings as parents around settling when we may have experienced trauma around our precious children and their diagnosis.  This service is eligible for self-managed and plan-managed NDIS.


Mandy has lived this. How to make change that considers the individual, but also understands the impact of the collective.  How to teach one and not the other, do we teach at the same time? What about the siblings?

Premature babies

The most darlings of all.  How to teach babies that have spent time in NICU/SCN and kindly work with a family that has experienced this introduction to parenting?


Mandy works on the philosophy of ” I pride myself on understanding age appropriate development and the delicate art of listening and observing babies and toddlers, mixed with some basic sleep and settling routines.    Teaching parents the delicate art of listening and watching and then kindly teaching, is something of which I am very proud.

The technique I use is called Responsive Settling.  This means responding as often as our babies/children need, with some scaffolding around bedtimes that suits the children’s age.  We are kindly teaching and responding to them. 


In 2005, Mandy’s life was forever changed when she gave birth to her fraternal twin daughters at 31 weeks. The twins spent two months in Neonatal Intensive Care and the Special Care Nursery, during which Mandy experienced many anxious nights apart from them. When the girls finally came home, Mandy was overjoyed but also exhausted.

Mandy quickly realised that her prior knowledge of baby sleep patterns was put to the test with her twins and she learned the true meaning of sleep deprivation and the depths of a mother’s love. Her daughters were later diagnosed with hemiplegia cerebral palsy and, for one of them, an intellectual disability. This required flexible sleep routines to accommodate various therapies, hospital appointments, and surgeries.

Mandy herself was diagnosed with PTSD, but she found strength and recovery through counseling and the support of her family. In 2010, she welcomed her singleton daughter, embracing the joys and challenges of mothering three wonderful girls.


In 2014, Mandy launched her sleep and settling business, Mandy Hose She Knows, to share her extensive knowledge about premature babies, multiple births, and children with disabilities. Since then, she has helped over 900 families across Australia and around the world. Mandy has also conducted sleep workshops for the Australian Multiple Birth Association and various community groups.

In 2019, Mandy and her friend Kate started “Too Peas in a Podcast,” which thrived for five years, concluding in May 2024. The podcast garnered nearly 4 million downloads and led to the publication of their book, “The Invisible Life of Us.”

Mandy is incredibly proud of her own family and is passionate about working with families to create positive changes around sleep. Everyone is welcome with Mandy, as she continues to support families in their sleep journeys with her friendly, approachable demeanor and extensive expertise.

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Thank you Mandy!  Our beautiful 22 month old daughter has been a shocking sleeper since birth and we were at our wits end.  There is so much competing advice out there about toddler sleep and as first time parents, we felt way out of our depth.  Talking to Mandy was such a turning point.  She was respectful, really listened and gave us advice that aligned with our values as parents.  Now, we feel like we have a solid plan and as a family, we are all back on the same page when it comes to managing sleep.  Our daughter is now settling herself in bed beautifully and staying in bed for much longer overnight, a huge relief for everyone!  My only regret is that we didn’t book in a chat with Mandy 12 months ago!

Grateful Parent

We are so grateful to Mandy for assisting us with our daughters sleep.  Mandy took the time to really understand our family and our medically complex daughter.  She gave us advice that was warm, practical and which drew on her wealth of experience in sleep and childhood development.  Mandy have us the confidence to make gentle changes, which have improved the wellbeing of everyone in the house.  Our daughter, who once co-slept and work many times through the night, is now able to sleep happily and independently in her cot.  This has had such a positive impact on her life and ours.  Thank you Mandy!

Happy Parents

We tried a few sleep consultants.  The difference in Mandys approach was that she had true empathy for the baby while still holding compassion for us sleep-deprived parents.  She was thoughtful, supportive, and nuanced at every step of the sleep plan she developed with us. which centred around the baby’s feelings while taking into account everyone in the family and out particular circumstances.  And it worked almost immediately.  It was mind-boggling.  our baby went from waking up basically every hour overnight (for about six months – legit hellish) to sleeping ten-hour stretches with relatively few exceptions.  Mandy genuinely changed our lives and she’s also just so warm and good-hearted that honestly it would have been a please to speak with her even if she hadn’t.  Mandy hose, she really really knows!!

May Family

What a godsend finding Mandy was!  Mandy was kind and listened to our complex situation.  She created a clear plan for our little girl which helped us see success on the first night.  Mandy’s kindness made us feel less alone.  No one knows (sleep) like Mandy Hose!

Blessed Family

Thank you Mandy for your warmth, your generosity and your helping hand along this journey of ours.  The enthusiasm you have for your job and helping families is palpable and you really make a difference.  Thanks for doing what you do and I am so happy to highly recommend you!  🙂

Anna Moss, Sydney

I have had two zooms with the wonderful Mandy Hose, who really knows her stuff.  We have used her once when my daughter was 6 months old and now at 3.5 as she is no longer in a cot and sleep had again gone out the window.  Both times Mandy has really just “gotten” me and met me where I’m at.  She is open and warm and king.  She really listens.  She is also completely professional and clearly has so much experience and wisdom.  Both times she has given me really good tips for the stage of life I am in to make things seem a little easier or lighter.  not sleepy related but just life related.

She didn’t have to do this but it really made me feel like she cares holistically about her clients and their family’s wellbeing.

Thankful mum, Your Content Goes Here

The fact that our beautiful fourth child is a pea shoot made me seek out Mandy specifically as I knew she would understand the complexity involved when problem solving for pea shoots.  Though I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to any and all families.  I just recently recommended her to my friend with baby twins.  I think Mandy has the gift of connecting with people no matter their circumstances.

Pea Shoot Mother, Your Content Goes Here

Thank you Mandy!! I had not slept longer than 2 hours in many months, thanks to my darling but booby-loving boy. Now he sleeps calmly in his cot all night, Daddy is able to help out more, and Mummy has some personal space. We are enjoying each other’s company so much more and are all more rested. Thank you!

Kate Honeybun

Mandy Hose genuinely changed our family dynamic, after our twins (11 months adjusted) went from feeding up to 3 times per night to sleeping soundly with a dreamfeed. We were prepared for a traumatic and distressing sleep training regimen, but instead saw positive changes in only a short time. Most of all Mandy was understanding of our situation as a family, with twins who were prem and still very small for their age. She worked with us to develop a plan which reflected our babies needs and our values as their parents. Very happy customers here!

Chez Conway

With so many books out there and different opinions it was so valuable and refreshing having you Mandy give wise advice and encouragement that was tailored to our six week old. We’ve learnt to read his cues and understand him so much better and feel more confident with him. He’s now well rested and thanking you if he could as are we! We would highly recommend to any new parents! Mandy Hose really does know!

Kat Deith

We have 9 month old twins that where still feeding during the night and waking multiple times not being able to settle, which then resulted them coming into bed with us. One and a half weeks later our twins are not feeding during the night, sleeping through for the first time (of course not always), haven’t come into bed with us and also sleeping longer during the day. Mandy gave me the extra tools and confidence I needed to get my babies to sleep better. I feel like a new woman and wish I spoke to her months ago….!!!!

Sky McFee

Thanks Mandy! We are loving the “new normal”! I was worried that sleep training would be traumatic for both bub and mum but this was far from it. I felt able to help her learn to self settle but still able to provide love and reassurance when she needed it. I didn’t realise quite how much the sleep thing had changed our lives. Bub is now happy and gone from being grizzly and needing to be carried or cuddled in the evening to happily playing. She can fall asleep on her own quite quickly without fuss. I now have way more time – have caught up on a whole lot of those “will get to jobs”. I hadn’t even realised how much time it was taking up. Sleeping through the night!!! At the end of the day I still have energy to play. Thanks Mandy from bub and parents!! It’s still early days but feels so good.

Penny Cotton